Saker Cloud

Web applications in the cloud


The web-based Digital Application Management and Helpdesk Support System

MSSS Tactical Planning Tool

The MSSS Tactical Planning Tool has been developed for the purposes of high level scenario modelling and comparison. This will enable the programme to analyse the impact of varying retrieval strategies.

PFCS Tactical Planning Tool

The Pile Fuel Cladding Silo Tactical Planning Tool enables the comparison of different retrievals strategies, supporting the PFCS Programme with their mission to safely extract waste from each compartment in the silo.


Operational Cost and Profit Model (OCPM)


The Transport Enterprise Management System comprises a short term booking system for all transport moves on the Sellafield site and a forecasting system to enable Transport to review the medium and longer term demand.

Test, Track and Trace

In response to the ongoing COVID19 pandemic Sellafield Ltd (SL) is developing a Test, Track and Trace (TTT) programme which will ensure symptomatic employees have access to a test which detects presence of the virus.